Wednesday 30 December 2015

saya ingat lagi saya marah faiq conteng dinding dari situ dia tahu berexpressi marah

Memang dia pun tunjuk kemarahannya baru nak masuk setahun macam tu. Risaunya.. bila dia marah kalau saya macam tak takut ke apa dia akan tunjuk dinding tu lepas hentak-hentak pen atau mainan dia tunjuk buku atau kertas. Tapi saya ni memang ada baran. Membesar faiq saya control dan atasi kelemahan itu. Catatan hari ini, thanks for reading, sayang selalu dari Fair

Monday 28 December 2015

saya doakan fadya faham untuk duduk diam bila kami makan

Macam-macam dimintanya waktu kami mula makan. Cakap elok-elok, sekejap ja dia duduk, bagi tablet, dia tengok berapa minit ja. Lepas tu tah fikirannya nak apa tah la. Macam Faiq pun sama masa 3 - 4 tahun. Sekarang dah memahami. Tapi hari ni saya marah Fadya, kenapa tak nak duduk tadi, dia cakap dia aiskrim  Ehhh saya dah tanya sebelum duduk lagi nak aiskrim ke tak, dia cakap tak mahu sebab nanti dia batuk dia cajao sambil berlakun batuk. Saya bising lagi esok tak boleh ikut lagi. Kalau nak ikut kena duduk, janji. Fadya cakap janji

Sunday 27 December 2015

saya biasa fikir kebahagiaan semua tetapi kakak ingatkan utamakan suami

Dari situ banyak saya ikut suami. Ringan fikiran bila fikirkan suami ni. Tetapi buat tetap kerana Allah. Biasa emak akan suggest apa apa, emak akan terus sebut tanya abeang dulu. Nak tergelak la juga bila sebut abeang kok ni. Syukur dapat suami yang ikut saya jugak. Tentang anak-anak pun, ikut cara suami jugak. Mudah lagi. Contoh nak keluar ke KL, emak bapa suka makan,  jalan makan lagi, jadi kami ambik masa yang pendik untuk duduk sebab budak budak akan bosan. Parenting ni sebagai ibubapa ada authority untuk suruh budak ikut ja tapi high warm  iaitu berlembut dengan anak tu ialah dengar pendapat anak jugak. Bila tanya kenapa, anak akan jawab dah makan. Kena lah kita hormat pendapatnya juga. Hari ni memang teringatkan blogger kak zakie, penggunaan bahasa beliau lembut. Rindu beliau. Ok nak bersiap untuk makan tengahari.

Ini lah jantung hati saya, jiwa raga kami. Dah besar pun. Taoi ada ragan masing masing, Faiq lebih memahami. Moga hidup lebih bersinar, dari saya Fair.

saya nampak tenang, pendiam kerana saya berdoa di dalam hati

Jika ada yg menegur contoh anak saya, saya tetap abiskan ayat doa dulu walaupun saya memandang wajahnya dan senyum. Bila hujung tahun begini terasa ingin berblog kembali sebab masa terluang dan lebih bersantai melalui rutin harian. Sekarang ni pun masih belum tido, cuma terlantar di atas katil memikirkan tajuk blog untuk dijadikan buku catitan kehidupan harian. Pilih gmail yang lama terjumpa blog ini. Tak sangka ada blog tentang hati ini. Masih tertanya bahasa apa patut saya guna english atau bahasa. Teringat pernah buat tajuk assignment "keep poise to make a choice". Patut dengan perasaan yang tenang, berfikiran apa manfaatnya untuk membuat pilihan itu. Ok dah nak tido. Selamat malam, moga lebih ceria dari saya Fai.

Thursday 23 January 2014

i have experience that moves me to exactly that I want to own

Early on I wanted so much to have a business to develop income in my pocket, but I got busyness that I could not attend to anything even to snap photos of my activities at that time. I chose cupcakes as products and I produced them myself, the productions become heavy took my energy for the right things, people and activities.

I tried even open a kiosk at Tesco, Mutiara Damansara, I got the supporters were my family, my mom came and bought many. It was fun but it is easy as I sell food and people come to us, we do not have to say please come and try and all, but off course they asked a lot of questions.

The income that was my aim, not the busyness that get me so occupied til no time for others.

My hubby encourages activities that he can be part of it not like me spending in the kitchen when he is around. That awakes me too, so even blogging I get him involve like reading or get some ideas what to blog.

He likes if i told jokes about my dad because my dad is a spontanneous jovial person.

"One example is i baked cupcakes took sometimes to finish one batch yet it is not healthy but it is a happy moment to eat it. But my dad said "ala the easy way is to put two piece of daun or leaves (salad), apply mayonaise and add shrimps and ready to eat,  semua ni trick ja, charge dekat RM20/-"

I think it is so true and funny too. I pray for income not extra coming moves to fill my time so i start saving with the money that I tend to buy flour, sugar and etc :)

Wednesday 15 January 2014

I praised the Prophet saw to get me a pleasant moment and I am very pleased

 Fadya's brother steals the limelight and blow off the candle

To give birth to my lovely daughter Fadya who was born 12 Jan 2012. Praising Prophet made it easier for me to go out of a painless and uncomfortable situation to give birth to a beautiful baby girl. Alhamdulillah. It was planned birth date but it was the due date that nobody knew but me, that was very uncomfortable and slow preparation from the hospital. I was due but the thing was the nurses thought it was a plan and could take it slow that was challenging for me. I praised the Prophet with my heart that I could go through this. My lips kept praising, my heart consoling me that a human could make it and meant to make it like the prophet too. Getting done with it it was not easy as it was not in our hand to push others to make the progress fast but only with doa. I got calmed with the doas and praising to let the time came fast for me to go through the waiting time that  I anxiously waited for 9 months and to comfort myself by praising to SAW just for few minutes or hours it did not matter as long as my baby and me would be safe. Exhausted, excited and I asked from Allah to redha for me to Enjoy the gift He granted to me.

Last week we celebrated Fadya 2nd birthday. It was ad-hoc gift from my sister and my brother which hosted by my nephew, the dinner was meant for brother who is posting to San Jose for a new job, so it was a See you later dinner plus a small cake to mark the birthday for dearest Fadya. I love you and everybody loves you, sayang mama ni.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

I have a blessed 2014 as I feel it and take easy with it

Though it was the first week of school and I was figuring out how to make Faiq back into the system of a school schedule and mood. I bumped with a new teacher and told me that Faiq is kind of different kid, he walked around with food in hand. He showed that he knew what he's learning.

The teacher said she wants my permission or green light for her to raise her voice with Faiq. If the next day Faiq hesitates to go to school I have to explain it to him that the teacher scolded him because...

I spoke to teacher that the teacher need to get him into the school or learning environment or atmosphere as this is the first week of school. I told the teacher make it clear to him that he needs to sit while eating and let him know that his peers are doing the same.

As I recalled I send Faiq to school is first to get him to have peers for him to learn from. I believe kids learn from friend of their age. So since school holiday, I also took leisure off thinking of school, I got panicked too.

So the teacher said ok for us to get him to school first then only get him interested in sitting down to learn not stray to explore during class.

I feel and focus of what I will fascinate about this is to get Faiq most improved student this year of 2014.
